NOTE: Harkaway Hall Committee of Management Incorporated (ABN 41 780 404 316) have been granted an exemption (H111/2021 ) under the Equal Opportunity Act 2010, to exclude functions attended predominantly by people aged 22 years or under, unless the applicant is able to satisfy the Committee that he or she will: (a) ensure that the group is adequately supervised by an adequate number of people whom the Committee considers can supervise the group effectively, (b) ensure the adequate provision of security for people attending the function, (c) prevent uninvited people (commonly known as 'gatecrashers') from attending, and (d) provide safe and adequate transport for those attending away from the Harkaway area within a reasonable time at the end of the function.'
All reference to ‘Committee’ in this form relates to the Committee of Management of the Harkaway Public Hall Incorporated
NOTE: Harkaway Hall Committee of Management Incorporated (ABN 41 780 404 316) have been granted an exemption (H111/2021 ) under the Equal Opportunity Act 2010, to exclude functions attended predominantly by people aged 22 years or under, unless the applicant is able to satisfy the Committee that he or she will: (a) ensure that the group is adequately supervised by an adequate number of people whom the Committee considers can supervise the group effectively, (b) ensure the adequate provision of security for people attending the function, (c) prevent uninvited people (commonly known as 'gatecrashers') from attending, and (d) provide safe and adequate transport for those attending away from the Harkaway area within a reasonable time at the end of the function.'
All reference to ‘Committee’ in this form relates to the Committee of Management of the Harkaway Public Hall Incorporated
- Collection of keys from Booking Agent. Phone (03) 9539 3596
- Locking of doors & dropping off the key in the key safe when leaving.
- Turning off power at mains switches as indicated at switchboard. Including:
- Switch off water heater at switchboard
- Switch off light switches (including outside lights) at switchboard.
- Tables to be wiped clean and stacked in storeroom in holder provided
- Chairs to be stacked in eighteen stacks of six and one stack of two
- Rubbish to be placed in green rubbish bins outside rear door or kitchen door
- All recyclable material (ie) glass, plastic bottles, cans, to be placed outside kitchen or rear door in blue rubbish bins only
- Hall to be left in a clean and tidy condition no later than 10 am on the day following the function, all major spillages to be cleaned.
- NB: do not mop hall floor, spot cleaning is sufficient.
- Cleaning interior of stoves and/or refrigerators if used
- Supplying soap, dishwashing liquid, tea towels, toilet paper, microwave oven, cutlery; cups, plates, bowls and any other serving plates or utensils.etc.
- All cigarette butts to be disposed of in sand ashtrays. Note that the interior of the hall building is a non-smoking zone.
- Gas and power to oven to be turned off at main switches after use.
- OPERATING HOURS: Entertainment must cease by 11.00pm and the area to be vacated by 12:00 midnight. Sunday bookings; entertainment to cease by 8pm and area to be vacated by 8.30pm.
- DECORATIONS: Decorations must not be fixed to the hall interior by nails or any device liable to leave marks or cause damage. All decorations, balloons, streamers, tape and such materials must be removed. NO GLITTER OR CONFETTI!!
- REFRESHMENTS: The hirer is responsible for obtaining any liquor licence required, and for compliance with same. The applicants attention is drawn to the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998, regarding the service of liquor to persons intoxicated (section 108) and persons under the age of 18 years (section 123).
- PROHIBITED ITEMS: Nothing may be brought, driven, ridden, or worn into the hall which would be liable to cause injury, damage, excessive wear, or spillage of any oil, chemical or other substance. Strictly no hay bales, confetti, glitter or barbecues are permitted in the hall.
- HALL CAPACITY: The maximum number catered for is not to exceed 110.
- PUBLIC LIABILITY: A payment of the amount specified in the current fee schedule is required from all casual hirers as payment of public liability insurance, current liability cover set at $10,000,000.
- BOND: A bond is required to cover possible damage or theft, and compliance with all terms and conditions of the hire agreement. The bond will be returned within 14 days of the hire provided that all conditions have been met, and that no damage or theft has occurred in respect to the hall, its equipment, fixtures or surrounds. The return of the bond shall be the full amount less any amount required to make good any damage etc. done or, in the event of failure to comply with conditions, less the full amount or any amount considered reasonable by the Hall Committee in the circumstances. The hirer accepts that the withholding of bond monies by Committee due to damage, theft or non-compliance with conditions, will not prevent the Committee from recovering or taking any necessary action to recover additional monies where damage or theft is of greater value than the bond monies paid. (The period of hire shall be all of the period after the keys are collected and until the keys are returned)
- CANCELLATION FEE: In the event of a cancellation the amount specified in the current fee schedule will be deducted from the bond monies being refunded.
- BEHAVIOUR: The Committee reserves the right to remove, or have removed, any person or persons acting in a manner detrimental to the hall or its surrounds.
- NOISE: The hirer is responsible for noise levels and for compliance with the Environment Protection Act. (Refer extract displayed in kitchen)
- HEATERS: If heaters are required, a remote control is provided in the kitchen. To operate, point the control directly at the unit. All heaters must be turned off when leaving the premises and the remote controls returned to its wall mounting.
- PARKING: Additional parking is available opposite the hall at the tennis court car park. Please do not park in front of the milk bar.
- LOCAL POLICE: Committee reserves the right to require the hirer to give notice to the Narre Warren Police Station, in writing, advising that the function will be held. This shall not be taken as any form of guarantee of Police attendance nor as an abrogation of the hirers responsibility for the provision of adequate security arrangements.
- INFORMATION SUPPLIED: The hirer is to provide information to support this application, which is true and correct, and not in any way misleading. The applicant shall not withhold information that is known to him or her, and which would in any way be likely to affect the approval of this application.
- FURTHER PARTICULARS: The Committee reserves the right to require further particulars from the hirer in writing.
- FIRST AID: The Harkaway Hall does not provide a defibrillator or any first aid equipment or materials and it shall be the responsibility of the hirer to provide such items if required.